Monday, September 19, 2016

SB Order : 08/2016 - Clarification on treating the investment by guardian on behalf of minor and his own investment in Post Office Monthly Income Scheme - Regarding

Clarification on treating the investment by guardian on behalf of minor and his own investment in Post Office Monthly Income Scheme - Regarding

Anomaly in pay fixation on MACP after 7th CPC

Anomaly in  pay fixation on MACP

Eg.  Employees getting MACP – 2 promotion on PA/SA cadre this year are fixed at the Basic pay of 50600/- .  Whereas those will be promoted next year will be fixed with the Basic Pay of 47600/-. A single increment difference in service shows three increment differences in new pay matrix.

Those at Basic pay of 16990 by this 1st July,  are with basic pay of 44100 , with two addition increments  next year this will goes to 46800/- in 2800 grade pay  and will be sit at the basic pay of 47600/- in 4200 column with a  hike of 800

The issue arises because of the grade pay differences with the multiplication factor in pay matrix table
Actually by grade pay system 4200-2800 = 1400/-  &  1400 * 2.57  = 3598/ diff.  is  there
The same difference is at all columns of grade pays.

Hence it is essential to additional  amount shown in the column (6) of below table to the basic pay on MACP Promotion is justified.

The matter is essential to discuss at higher levels.




DIF X 2.57

Now, post offices make testing soil easy for farmers

In a bid to make soil testing service accessible to farmers, department of post, Pune region, has launched a pilot initiative on Friday named Kisan Vigyan Doot (KVD) where farmers can submit their soil samples at the nearest post offices. The samples will be tested at the agencies and a report will be sent.

The project, announced at the postmaster general's office, is a facility spearheaded by the postal department in collaboration with Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), Baramati. Sumitha Ayodhya, director of postal services, Pune region, told Mirror, "This is a first-of-itskind initiative that has been introduced in the state. Most farmers are either unaware of the importance of soil testing or the agencies are inaccessible to them, which leads to unsuitable cropping and eventually financial loss."

Pune region is spread over four districts — Pune, Satara, Solapur and Ahmednagar — consisting of 2,161 branches that operate in rural areas. "The rural post offices can collect soil samples from farmers and send it to the KVKs. India Post will act as the farmers' messenger with KVKs offering a perfect blend of its services. In the pilot stage, this initiative will be implemented at the branch offices of Pune Mofussil (MFL) division," said F B Sayyed, assistant postmaster general, Pune region.

Vivek Bhoite, subject matter specialist of soil testing, KVK, Baramati, stated that increasing urbanisation has weakened soil health. "Most of the farmers are unaware about soil health thus the fertility has worsened. Farmers have approached us for tests from Pune, Phaltan in Satara district, Ahmednagar, Solapur and Bhor tehsil. Currently, the entire process of submitting the samples to obtaining the results takes nearly eight days. With the implementation of the project, the time taken for the tests will reduce considerably," he said.

Farmers are also happy with the initiative undertaken by the postal department. Shyam Sunder Jaigude, a farmer from Bhor tehsil, said, "If this project works, it will benefit those who are forced to neglect their lands while the tests are being conducted."

KVK in Baramati is a Farm Science Centre at the district level that was established in August 1992 under the affiliation of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi .

How to transfer your PPF account from one post office to another

A Public Provident Fund or PPF account can be opened with a post office or a bank that accepts them. Those who hold post office PPF accounts find it convenient to operate them from the post office closest to them. When the subscriber moves to a new address, he can shift the PPF account to a nearby post office for ease of operation. Here's how it's done. 


The PPF account holder is required to fill up Form SB 10(b), which is an application for the transfer of an account to another post office. The form can be downloaded from the India Post website. 


The application must be addressed to the old post office and furnished with account number, balance in the passbook and name of the new post office. The application must be signed by the account holder and should also provide three specimen signatures. 


The original PPF passbook must be attached with the form to complete the application. 


The documents need to be submitted to the old post office. On submission, the postmaster will countersign the specimen signature, verify the passbook balances and sign the form confirming that the application is in order, and return the original passbook to the account holder. The account will then be closed and an application with a demand draft for the account balance sent to the new post office. 

New post office 

After this, the account holder must approach the new post office. Once the new post office receives the documents, an account will be opened in its books and a new passbook issued to the account holder. 

Points to note 

  • It is important to update the PPF passbook before submitting the application for shifting the account. 
  • After shifting, the account holder should check if the balance is correctly transferred to the new post office. Otherwise, the issue must be raised.

Air Travel: Accounting and Payment by PAO

Air Travel Accounting and Payment by PAO

Government of India
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Delhi cantt 110066
(Defence Travel System, E Ticketing Project)
Phone No.: 011-26108268/26163404 /Fax No.: 011 26163403

No. Mech/EDP/861/E-T /Air
Dated: 15/09/2016


Subject: Air Travel Accounting and Payment by PAO

Reference: HQrs Office letter no. Mech/EDP/861/E-Ticketing/Phase-III dated-21-12-2015.

It is intimated that under the e-Ticketing system- wherein Rail Tickets are being booked in lieu of warrants, an Air travel module has also been launched in collaboration with Balmer Lawrie to cover all types of moves like Temporary Duty, Permanent Transfer, LTC All India and LTC Home Town. Air tickets are being booked through DTS since 11 September 2015 by various units across Services under different PAOs. The payment procedure as agreed between CGDA and Balmer & Lawrie is post payment.

2. All PCsDA/CsDA/PCA{Fys) along with this HQrs office has been issued two set of tokens/login-id for this purpose.

(a) One set of Token /Login-Id for DAD Employee: For booking of Air Tickets i.e. Master Booker Tokens and Competent Authority Approval Tokens for booking of Air Tickets for entitled DAD officers (already issued during training in the Jan, 2016).

(b) PAO tokens for generating and downloading of system generated booking details /Bills and invoices of air tickets booked for DAD entitled officers for payment. Such Tokens (Issued recently) cannot be used for booking of Air Tickets.

3. Process of Booking of Air Tickets: As mentioned in para 2(a) above, one set of Token/Login Id has already been issued for DAD Employee for profile creation of all officer/staffs entitled to travel by Air and booking of Air Tickets.

Air Tickets. Initially, profiles of all the officers/staffs working under jurisdiction of each PCsDA/CsDA and PCA(Fys) need to be created for booking of Air Tickets. The creation of profile is a onetime process and need not be done again. When an officer/staffs will be transferred from one PCsDA/CsDA to another, in such case his profile need to be “Transferred out” by the old office and accordingly his new office will perform the activity of “Transfer in” of such officers/staffs. All such activities like profile creation, editing of profile, Air Travel Booking request and cancellation request are performed by master booker /Booker token. At the same time, Approval/Approving token is used for approval of all such request as forwarded by the master booker token through DTS system. Accordingly, once travel request is approved by Competent Authority/Approving Authority, Master Booker/Booker Token can book the Air Ticket as per Travel Regulation and Movement Sanction.

4. Process of Payment of Air Tickets to Balmer Lawrie & Co.: As mentioned above, the booking of Air Tickets has been launched in collaboration with Balmer Lawrie, the payment procedure as agreed between CGDA and Balmer & Lawrie is post payment. Following steps are involved in processing of payment of Air Tickets to Balmer Lawrie & Co.

(a) Online Accounting and Payment Module for Air Travel: As mentioned in para 2(b) above, Air Ticket booking details and voucher for Air Ticket booked during a particular period can be generated by logging in to the PAO Module for further processing of payment to Balmer & Lawrie Co.

(b) Preparation of Punching Medium: After generation of the voucher by logging-in to the PAO Module, PCsDA/CsDA will prepare Punching Medium to compile under respective code head as per classification hand book.

(c) Payment Through NEFT: After preparation of Punching Medium and Daily Payment Sheet, PCsDA/CsDA will make payment of the due amount through NEFT or through any other process is being followed in their offices.

(d) Voucher Settlement: After payment PCsDA/CsDA will log-in to the PAO Module and will mark against each invoices as payment done.

(e) Voucher Acknowledgement: All payment will be acknowledged by Balmer & Lawrie through System and PCsDA /CsDA will be able to download Receipt voucher of payment from the system.

4. Claim Submission: As the Air Ticket booked through system is given to the officer is as good as advance to the officer/staff serving in the PCsDA/CsDA offices, traveler will submit his final claim within one month after completion of the journey along with original boarding pass and a copy of the Air Ticket booked through DTS

5. In this regard it is intimated that PCsDA/CsDA who are not having PKI tokens (One set of Booking Token with two tokens (One for Master Booker/Booker Token and another for Approval Token)) for booking of Air Tickets through DTS and one PKI token (PAO Token) for generation of voucher and processing payment are requested to intimate to this HQrs office for issuing of the same. PCsDA/CsDA/PCA(Fys) offices in possession of one set of PKI token (One for Master Booker/Booker token, another for Approval token) are requested to start booking of Air Tickets through DTS immediately.

Jt. CGDA (IT&S) has seen.

Deepak Kumar

5 Important Writs of India in the point of view IPO examination

5 Important Writs of India in the point of view IPO exam

Four important writes of India are: 1. Habeas Corpus 2. Mandamus 3.Prohibition 4. Certiorari 5. Quo Warranto!

1. Habeas Corpus:

A writ of habeas corpus is in the nature of an order calling upon the person who has detained another, to produce the latter before the Court in order to let the Court know on what ground she/ he has been confined and to set him/her free if there is no legal justification for the imprisonment.

The words ‘habeas corpus’ literally mean ‘you may have the body’. The writ may be addressed to any person whatever, an official or a private person who has another person in his custody and disobedience to the writ is met with punishment for the contempt of the court.

The different purposes for which the writ of habeas corpus can be issued are: (a) for the enforcement of fundamental rights, (b) to decide whether the order of imprisonment or detention is ultra vires the statute that authorises the imprisonment or detention.

The writ of habeas corpus is, however, not issued in the following cases:


(i) Where the person against whom the writ is issued or the person who is detained is not within the jurisdiction of the Court, (ii) To secure the release of a person who has been imprisoned by a court of law on a criminal charge, (iii) To interfere with a proceeding for contempt by a court of record or by the Parliament.

2. Mandamus:

Mandamus literally means ‘we command.’ It commands the person, to whom it is addressed to perform some public or quasi-public legal duty which she/he has refused to perform and the performance of which cannot be enforced by any other adequate legal remedy.

It is, therefore, clear that mandamus will not be issued unless the applicant has a legal right for the performance of that particular legal duty of a public nature and the party against whom the writ is sought, is bound to perform that duty.

The purposes for which a writ may be issued are as:

(a) For the enforcement of fundamental rights. Whenever a public officer or a Government has acted in a manner violating the Fundamental Right of a person, the court would issue a writ of mandamus restraining the public officer or the Government from enforcing that order or acting against the person whose fundamental right has been infringed,

(b) Mandamus can be issued by a High Court for various other purposes, e.g.,

(i) To enforce the performance of a statutory duty where in a public officer has got a power conferred by the Constitution or a statute. The Court may issue a mandamus directing him/her to exercise the power in case she/he refuses to do so.

(ii) To compel a person to perform his public duty where the duty is imposed by the Constitution or a statute or a statutory instrument,

(iii) To compel a court or judicial tribunal to exercise its jurisdiction when it has refused to exercise it.

(iv) To direct a public official or the Government, not to enforce a law that is unconstitutional.

3. Prohibition:

The writ of prohibition is a writ issued by the Supreme Court or a High Court to an inferior court forbidding the latter to continue proceedings therein in excess of its jurisdiction or to usurp a jurisdiction with which, it is legally not vested.

The writ of prohibition differs from the writ of mandamus in the sense that while mandamus commands activity, prohibition commands inactivity. Further, while mandamus is available not only against judicial authorities but also against administrative authorities, prohibition as well as certiorari are issued only against judicial or quasi- judicial authorities.

4. Certiorari:

The literal meaning of the word ‘certiorari’ is “to be more fully informed of”. Though prohibition and certiorari are both issued against Courts or tribunals exercising judicial or quasi-judicial powers, certiorari is issued to quash the order or decision of the tribunal while prohibition is issued to prohibit the tribunal from an ultra vires order or decision.

While prohibition is available at an earlier stage, certiorari is available at a later stage, on similar grounds. The object of both is to secure that the jurisdiction of an inferior court or tribunal is properly exercised and to see that it does not usurp the jurisdiction for which it does not possess an authority.

5. Quo Warranto:

Quo warranto is a proceeding whereby the court enquires into the legality of the claim which a party asserts to a public office, and to oust him/her from its enjoyment if the claim is found to be fake or invalid.

The conditions necessary for the issue of a writ of quo warranto are as follows:

(i) The office must be public and it must be created by statute or by the Constitution itself;

(ii) The office must be a substantive one and not merely the function or employment of a servant at the will and during the pleasure of another.

(iii) There has been a contravention of the Constitution or a statute or statutory instrument, in appointing such a person to that office.

The fundamental basis of the proceeding of quo warranto is that the public has an interest to see that an unlawful claimant does not usurp a public office. It is, however, a discretionary remedy that the court may grant or refuse according to the facts, and circumstances in each case. Quo warranto is thus a very powerful instrument for safeguarding against the usurpation of public offices.

Rural Postal Life Insurance

Click below to Read Full Version

News Coverage on GDS Problems



Good News – Government has issued beneficial orders on pension

Good News – Government has issued beneficial orders on pension, Please read this news paper report published in Hindi News Paper:–

Click image below for larger view:-

India Post plans courier play to boost revenues

In an attempt to increase its parcel delivery capacity, India Post plans to partner with courier companies to help them leverage its reach in rural areas and remote locations.

As part of this exercise, India Post has started a pilot project with Blue Dart Express Ltd, a private courier firm, to check the viability of the tie-up for delivery of parcels.

India Post has a network of 154,939 post offices and an employee base of 460,457, out of which 261,162 are gramin dak sewaks who work part-time for the department.

“We are already serving e-commerce firms in small towns and rural areas for delivery of their parcels. We can use our existing infrastructure—logistics and postmen—with which we are servicing e-commerce firms,” a senior official from India Post said requesting anonymity.

The boom in the e-commerce sector has come as a lifeline for the postal department. Till March 2016, India Post collected Rs.1,500 crore in cash for delivering parcels for various e-commerce portals, including Amazon and Flipkart. The cash collected from e-commerce deliveries by the department of posts was Rs.500 crore in 2014-15, and a meagre Rs.100 crore in 2013-14.

“Depending upon the success of the pilot, the tie-up will be announced across India for tapping areas uncovered by courier firms either due to logistics issue or cost concerns,” the official added.

India Post though directly competes with courier companies with its products such as Speed Post, Express Parcel service and Business Parcel service, among others, its monopoly was broken during late 1990s when private courier companies entered the segment. However, most private courier companies ignore outskirts of towns and villages and other far-flung areas.

“India Post with its widest network and reach to every nook and corner is best suited for even delivering couriers of other companies as well,” said another India Post official who also didn’t want to be identified.

India Post has been exploring options to increase its revenues. The postal department plans to have dedicated road routes for short distances and dedicated trains for longer routes to deliver parcels as reported by InfraCircle on 12 August.

Experts concur with India Post’s strategy.

“India Post has the biggest network and postmen reach to every village. Courier companies may not have the last mile connectivity which India Post has. It is a great win-win for everybody. And this is a different India Post we are talking about which is finding ways to identify potential areas to increase revenues,” said Hemant Joshi, partner at Deloitte Haskins & Sells.

Queries emailed to the spokesperson of ministry of electronics and information technology, under which India Post operates, and Blue Dart on 16 September remained unanswered.

The e-commerce sector in India is expected to grow to $119 billion by 2020 with a total of 320 million shoppers, according to a Morgan Stanley report.

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