Wednesday, September 21, 2016

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Implementation of recommendation of 7th CPC – Fixation of Pay and Payment of arrears

1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110 001

President: K.K.N.Kuuty, 09811048303
secretary General: M.Krishnan, 09447068125
Ref: confdn/7th CPC/Autonomous/2016-19

Dated: 20-09-2016
The Secretary (Expenditure)
Ministry Of Finance (Govt. of India)
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi – 110 001

Sub: Implementation of recommendation of 7th CPC – Fixation of Pay and Payment of arrears in respect of – (a) Autonomous organisations (b) Central Government employees who are working in Autonomous bodies on deemed deputation.

1. Please refer to the Government of India, Department of Finance & Department of Expenditure Resolution No.1-2/2016-IC dated 25.07.2016 bringing out the decisions of the Government on the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission as well as consequent promulgation of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2016, notified vide G.S.R.No.721(E) dated 25th July 2016 regarding fixation of pay in the revised pay structure effective from 01.01.2016.

2. Every time, when revise pay rules in respect of Central Government Employees are used, the Government used to issue separate orders regarding the extension of those benefits to the employees of Autonomous Organisations etc. whose pattern of emolument structure are identical to those of the Central government employees. Last time the Revised Pay Rules was issued on 30.08.2008 and orders extending the benefit to similarly placed employees of Autonomous bodies was issued on 30.09.2008. This time eventhough the Revised Pay Rules are issued on 25.07.2016, till this day i.e. even after a lapse of more than one month orders regarding Autonomous bodies is not issued.

3. Further it is reported that the employees of working at central food laboratory, kolkata (Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of India) Who are on deemed deputation has not been paid the Revised salary for the month of August 2016 in terms of CCS(RP) Rules 2016 by the Director, Central Food Laboratory. Director, CFL has issued orders to draw the pay on the basis of pre-revised pay even in respect of those central Government employees working at CFL who are on deemed deputation. He has equated employees of the Autonomous organization with the employees on deemed deputation. Above action of the Director, CFL, Kolkata appears to be not in conformity with the para-7 of OM No.1-5/2016-IC dated 28.07.2016 in letter and spirit.

4. In view of the above, it is requested that clear instructions may be issued to all Ministries regarding applicability of CCS (RP) Rules 2016 in respect of
(a) Employees of Autonomous Bodies
(b) Central Government employees who are on deemed deputation to Autonomous bodies.

A line in reply from your end will be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully.

Secretary General

Solution for the error using the menu HACSP-"E5389-The future value dating is not enabled" in DOP Finacle

  • We generally use the menu HACS or HACSP to know the number of account opened/closed for a particular period.
  • We can also generate the teller balances report and vault balance report by selecting the corresponding General Ledger Subhead Code from list of codes available in the menu HACS/HACSP.
  • Recently future date transactions are disabled in Production server i.e., in Finacle live server hence we are trying to generate the above said reports users are facing the error - "E5389-The future value dating is not enabled" in DOP Finacle.
  • The error screen shot will be as shown in the below figure

From the above screen shot it is clear that the system is showing the above said error.

Solution for the above Problem :- 

  • In order to solve the above problem enter all the required fields along with those fieldsselect the field Include Future Balance as "No"as shown in the below procedure
  • then the system will not show any error it will generate the report as desired by the user.
  • For example I am generating list of accounts opened for a particular period as shown in the below procedure.
Enter the following fields in the menu HACSP
Enter the field SOLID _____________
Enter the field Scheme code ____________ (or)
Enter the field general ledger subhead code ___________
Enter the field Open Date (low) ____________
Enter the field Open Date (High) _________________
  • Select the field Include Future Balance As "NO" (this is new modification done in the software hence select as NO) as shown in the figure

  • Then finally click on Submit then the system will generate the desired report as shown in the below figure.

DA from July 2016 in 7th pay Commission is 2% or 3%

DA from July 2016 in 7th pay Commission is 2% or 3% is yet to be confirmed
It seems that the DA from July 2016 in 7th Pay Commission is not yet finalized by Central Government. There is confusion persists on the rate of Dearness Allowance to be paid from 1st July 2016 in revised Pay . The AICPIN average for the year 2015 to be taken as Base Index for calculation of DA in 7th CPC as the DA has been neutralized to arrive the revised Pay.

The actual AICPIN Average for 2015 is 261.33. As per this AICPIN average, the DA to be paid at the rate of 2% from July 2016 in 7th CPC . But the NCJCM has contended that it should be paid at the rate of 3%.
The NCJCM staff side said that as per the practice of fraction is being ignored, 0.75 is ignored from actual DA 125.75 as on 1st January 2016. Since the 125% DA was merged to revise the 7th CPC pay, Accordingly, the AICPIN average of 2015 has to be revised to 260.46 from 261.33 to arrive the exact rate of DA of 125% .

It is obvious that the NCJCM Staff Sides claim has sufficient merits to be considered favorably by the Government. In that case, the DA to be paid from July 2016 will be 3%.

The NCJCM Staff Side should be appreciated for this timely intervention and effort.

The central Government need to take decision in this regard soon, as it has been passed third week of September. Usually the announcement of DA for July every year will be made in the first or second week of September.

WhatsApp's new feature lets you tag friends on group messages

If you thought WhatsApp group chats are annoying as hell, wait till you get the next WhatsApp update. The app has added a new feature to its group chat that will send you notification of a group chat even after you have personally taken the pain of muting the group.

Yes, there's no escaping that annoying person who just never stops posting on a group. With the new update available for both Android and iOS (thankfully not on the desktop app, yet).

Even WhatsApp knows just how enraging the feature really is, and so it rolled it out very silently indeed.

The new feature lets you tag a person using the '@' symbol followed by the name of the contact on a group chat. Multiple contacts can be tagged in a single message and everyone will receive a notification about it even if they have kept the group muted.

The tagging will work even if you don't have that person on your contact list but is part of the same group as you.

The feature is part of WhatsApp's plans of making group chat much more immersive and hard to get away from.

Earlier, the app added the option of quoting messages so people know what exactly are you replying to. The maximum group size was also extended from 100 to 256 participants.

Now, if you happen to be a part of an actual productive group, it might just turn out to be useful. But if you, like most others are part of multiple annoying groups, it is only going to get so much worse.

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