Saturday, September 17, 2016

DoP plans to recruit around 55,000 GDSs through online mode in November: B.V Sudhakar

The Departments of Posts plans to recruit around 55,000 Grameen Dak Sevaks through online mode in November, B.V Sudhakar, Secretary, Department of Posts, said.

Addressing a Press Conference here on Friday, Sudhakar informed that the software required for online recruitment is at the testing stage and the online method will ensure transparency in this recruitment.

In order to address the grievances of the postal customers, the National Service Call Centre - 1924 - was launched on September 12, 2016. Customers can call from any network to this number and they will be given a unique 11-digit ticket ID to check the status of their complaint. Nearly 98 per cent grievances and complaints were resolved, he said in a statement.

Post Payment Bank

Explaining about the Post Payment Bank, he said the focus will be on Government to customer services by providing services like Direct Benefits Transfer, which could also be helpful in the financial inclusion. There will be no lending to the customers and deposits can be made up to Rs. 1 lakh.

Total 650 branches of post payment bank will be set up by May 2017 and nearly one lakh employees will work on this set up, he added.

Solar power

Sudhakar also informed to harness solar power, 4000 Postal buildings across country will utilize solar power in the coming days. To start with Postal Department headquarters at New Delhi will install Solar Power panels which can save up to Rs. 17 lakh of monthly power bill.

The business across Postal services registered growth with 3.8% growth in unregistered postal traffic, 6% in registered posts, 7.3% in Speed Post, 6.8% in savings banks mobilization and 25% growth in Philately, during 2015-16 as against 2014-15, he said.

Postal Department achieved business of Rs. 14, 900 crore as against planned target of Rs. 14, 600 crore, he added.

Clarifications on 7th CPC orders are to be sought from nodal ministry i.e.Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure)

Clarifications on the issues arising in connection with the implementation of 7th CPC rules i.e. CCS(RP) Rules, 2016 are to be referred to nodal ministry i.e. Ministry of Finance(Department of Expenditure) as per the provisions contained at Para No.17 of Gazette Notification dated 25.7.2016 issued by the Government of India.

1) Here I would like to make a mention that as per the Para No.17 of Gazette Notification dated 25.7.2016 issued by the Govt. relating to 7th CPC orders, it is clearly mentioned that “if any question arises relating to the interpretation of any of the provisions of these rules, it shall be referred to the Central Government for decision”. Accordingly the queries relating to 7th CPC are to be referred through proper channel to the nodal ministry i.e. Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) for decision/clarification. 

2) Based on the clarifications, many of the officials are getting confused particularly about two issues. 

(i) Issue No.1:- Whether the officials who were promoted/granted financial up-gradations under MACPS between the period from 2.1.2016 to 30.6.2016 can opt to switchover to new pay structure from the date of their next increment in old pay structure (i.e. 1.7.2016) or not. 

(ii) Issue No.2:- Whether the officials who were due to get their promotion/financial up-gradation under MACPS after the date of issue of 7th CPC notification (i.e. 25.7.2016) can opt to continue in old pay structure till they earn any subsequent increment in the old pay structure (i.e. 1.7.2017, 1.7.2018 etc.) or not.

(A) Discussion on Issue No. 1:- Here it is to mention that there are two provisions available below Rule 5 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016. The 1st proviso to Rule 5 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016 allows the Govt. servant to continue to draw pay in the existing pay structure until the date on which he earns his “next or any subsequent increment in the existing pay structure”. The2nd proviso to Rule 5 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016 allows the Govt. servant “to switch over to the revised pay structure from the date of promotion or upgradation” where such promotion or upgradation was granted between 1.1.2016 to the date of notification (i.e. 25.7.2016). However the 2nd provision does not allow to switch over to revised pay structure in case promotion/upgradation is due on a date later than the date of notification (i.e. 25.7.2016). From a reading of these two provisions, there is no compulsion that the Govt. servant (who was promoted between 1.1.2016 to 25.7.2016) should necessarily switch over to revised pay structure from the date of promotion/upgradatioin only. As per the 1st provision, the Govt. servant can continue to draw pay in the old pay structure till the date of next increment (i.e. 1.7.2016) and can switch over to the new pay structure from 1.7.2016 by foregoing the arrears from 1.1.2016 to 30.6.2016. Here some wrong interpretations are also occurring on the basis of Explanation 1 below Rule 5 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016. The explanation 1 below Rule 5 is to be read in conjunction with the Memorandum Explanatory to Rule 5 of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2016 as mentioned at page 36 of Gazette notification dated 25.7.2016. It is clear from the Memorandum Explanatory to Rule 5 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016 at page 36 of Gazette Notification dated 25.7.2016 that the condition of retaining only one existing pay band and grade pay or scale is applicable in cases where there are two or more promotions involved between 1.1.2016 to 25.7.2016. For example:- An official drawing G.P of Rs.2400/- got his 1st MACP to the G.P of Rs.2800/- in the month of 2/2016 and then he got another promotion (on account of passing in examination) to the G.P of Rs.4200/- in the month of 5/2016. Then, he cannot retain both pay bands & grade pay in old pay structure now. In such case the official has to switch over to the new pay structure either from 1.1.2016 or from the date on which he got 1st MACP (i.e. 2/2016) and then his pay on promotion to the G.P. of Rs.4200/- will be fixed in revised pay structure only. The rule is required to be applied in true spirit and there should not be any ambiguity in allowing the Govt. servants who got only one promotion/upgradation between 1.1.2016 to 30.6.2016 to exercise option to switch over to new pay structure by continuing in old pay structure up to the date of next increment in old pay structure i.e. 1.7.2016.

(B)Discussion on Issue No. 2:- Here it is to mention that the 1st proviso to Rule 5 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016 allows the Govt. servant to continue to draw pay in the existing pay structure until the date on which he earns his “next or any subsequent increment in the existing pay structure”. The 2nd proviso to Rule 5 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016 allows the Govt. servant “to switch over to the revised pay structure from the date of promotion or upgradation” where such promotion or upgradation was granted between 1.1.2016 to the date of notification (i.e. 25.7.2016). However the 2nd provision does not allow to switch over to revised pay structure in case promotion/upgradation is due on a date later than the date of notification (i.e. 25.7.2016). From a reading of these two provisions, it is clear that the Govt. servant can continue to draw pay in the existing pay structure till the date of earning subsequent increment in the existing pay structure. The Govt. is well aware of the fact that only one increment i.e. on 1.7.2016 was drawn to all the Govt. servants in the old pay structure as on the date of issue of Gazette notification dated 25.7.2016. If the Govt. does not want to allow Govt. servants to continue in old pay structure after the date of notification i.e. 25.7.2016, then the word “subsequent increment” should have been deleted in the Gazette notification dated 25.7.2016 in Rule 5 as well as in the option form also. Thus in my opinion the Govt. servants can also switch over to the new pay structure from the date of their earning subsequent increment by foregoing the hike in salary as per 7thCPC orders from 1.1.2016 to the date opted by the Govt. servant i.e. 1.7.2017, 1.7.2018 etc.

3) It is also mentioned at Para No.16 of Gazette notification dated 25.7.2016 that the President can dispense with or relax the requirements of the rules provided the operation of all or any provisions of the 7th CPC rules causes undue hardship in any particular case. As such, if any doubts are raised relating to the issues in implementation of 7th CPC orders which are in the nature of causing undue hardship to the officials, then such issues are to be taken up through proper channel with the nodal ministry i.e. Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) for decision/clarification to avoid loss to the Govt. servants. 

Article shared by :
Shri. G.Nagaraju, Accountant, % SPOs, Sangareddy Division, AP Circle

Clarifications required as to Pay fixation on promotion from DNI in 7th CPC scales.

Clarification is required as to the pay fixation on promotion under FR-22(I)(a)(1) consequent on implementation of 7th CPC rules i.e. CCS(RP) Rules, 2016.
  1. The fixation of pay in case of promotion from one Level to another in the revised pay structure was notified at Para No.13 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016. Further, the method of arriving the next increment in revised pay structure was also notified at Para No.10 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016(Illustration). But as per the provisions under F.R-22(I)(a)(1), the Govt. servant can opt for fixation of his pay either from the date of promotion or from the date of his next increment. But the CCS(RP) Rules, 2016 are silent on the method of fixation of pay when the promoted official has exercised option for fixation of pay from the date of his next increment and what pay has to be drawn for the period from the date of promotion to the date of next increment. For example:- If any official is promoted in the month of 3/2017 and opted for fixation of pay from the date of promotion, his pay will be fixed in the promoted level in the manner prescribed in Para No.13 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016 and further increment will be drawn on 1.1.2018 as per Para No.10 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016. But if the official opted to fix his pay from the date of his next increment i.e. 1.7.2017, then how the pay is to be fixed on 1.7.2017 and what pay is to be drawn from 3/2017 to 30.6.2017 is not mentioned in the CCS(RP) Rules, 2016. This issue needs to be clarified by the nodal ministry i.e. Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) since similar clarifications were earlier issued at the time of 6th CPC implementation vide O.M.No.1/1/2008-IC dated 13.9.2008.
  2. As per the provisions of FR-22(I)(a)(1), split option has to be submitted by the officials within one month of promotion. Some of the employees, promoted before 1.1.2016 as well as after 1.1.2016 but before notification of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016, had opted for their pay fixation on promotion from the date of their next increment which was falling after 1.1.2016 in the 6th CPC pay structure/rules. Consequent up on implementation of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016, the option submitted by a number of employees turned to be disadvantageous. Whether such employees may be allowed to revise their options under FR-22(I)(a)(1) as per the provisions contained in DoP&T O.M.No.16/8/2000-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 25.2.2003.

Allocation of candidates,nominated by Staff Selection Commission for appointment as Inspector Posts on the basis of Combined Graduate Level Examination 2015, to Postal Circles

Consumer Protection Act 1986 - A Detail Summary

1.Short title, extent, commencement and application
3.Act not in derogation of any other law
4.The Central Consumer Protection Council
5.Procedure for meetings of the Central Council
6.Objects of the Central Council
7.The State Consumer Protection Councils
8.Objects of the State Council
8A.The District Consumer Protection Council
9.Establishment of Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies
10.Composition of the District Forum
11.Jurisdiction of the District Forum
12.Manner in which complaint shall be made
13.Procedure on admission of complaint
14.Finding of the District Forum
16.Composition of the State Commission
17.Jurisdiction of the State Commission
17A.Transfer of cases
17B.Circuit Benches
18.Procedure applicable to State Commissions
19A.Hearing of Appeal
20.Composition of the National Commission
21.Jurisdiction of the National Commission
22.Power of and procedure applicable to the National Commission
22A.Power to set aside ex parte orders
22B.Transfer of cases
22C.Circuit Benches
22D.Vacancy in the Office of the President
24.Finality of orders
24A.Limitation period
24B.Administrative Control
25.Enforcement of orders of the District Forum, the State Commission or the National Commission
26.Dismissal of frivolous or vexatious complaints
27A.Appeal against order passed under section 27
28.Protection of action taken in good faith
28A.Service of notice, etc.
29.Power to remove difficulties
29A.Vacancies or defects in appointment not to invalidate orders
30.Power to make rules
30A.Power of the National Commission to make regulations
31.Rules and regulations to be laid before each House of Parliament

Aadhaar now must for government schemes, benefits

NEW DELHI: The use of Aadhaar card+ is set to become mandatory for all central and state government subsidies and benefits which require funding from the central exchequer with the Centre notifying the unique identity (UID) regulations.

While the law had empowered the Centre to mandate use of Aadhaar, the rules clearly stipulate that any agency, such as the oil ministry dealing with cooking gas+ or HRD's scholarship schemes, has to ensure all beneficiaries are enrolled under UID+ . For this, they have been asked to tie up with registrars or enrol individuals themselves.


  • Aadhaar identity cards will be made mandatory for all government subsidies and benefits.
  • Ministries will have to notify schemes for which Aadhaar number is required.
  • In case someone does not have Aadhaar, he will be asked to enrol for the same.
"Ministries will have to notify schemes for which Aadhaar number is required. In case someone does not have Aadhaar, he will be asked to enrol for the same. If you are asking for Aadhaar and if enrollment facilities are not in a convenient location, the agency has to ensure that people are not left in the lurch," said Ajay Bhushan Pandey, CEO of the UID Authority of India (UIDAI).

Pandey also said the regulations strongly address privacy concerns over Aadhaar misuse+ by incorporating a three-year jail term for an offence. "The big brother concern has been dealt with. If a government or private entity uses Aadhaar number for some other purpose... if a company shares the data, it becomes a criminal offence," Pandey said.

The particular clause has been inserted to address concerns raised by civil society groups that mandating Aadhaar will exclude genuine beneficiaries, who do not possess a UID, from government schemes. The rules mean the onus will now be on agencies like oil companies or banks to make sure beneficiaries have Aadhaar numbers to access benefits ranging from subsidies and pensions.

Though the Supreme Court had earlier held Aadhaar could not be made mandatory for government schemes while extending "voluntary use" of UID numbers to MGNREGA, pensions, cooking gas, PDS, EPF and Jan Dhan accounts, the new law and its regulations will help the Centre expand the ambit of UID to virtually all government schemes.

The data security rules make it incumbent for UIDAI, registrars, enrolling agencies, companies and authentication service providers to observe a strict protocol. "The rules require every entity seeking to use Aadhaar to preserve information for a certain number of years and be subject to an audit," Pandey said, adding that an entity seeking Aadhaar will need consent to disclose the information each time it wants to share the data.

The regulations also provide more leeway for capturing biometric information. In cases where fingerprints are not easily registered, like in the case of elderly persons, iris scans will do. This has been added to existing flexibility for persons with disabilities or injuries.

Top CommentIts good that India is moving towards the digital world. I also appreciate Modi government that they didn''t scrap the Adhar card as they were saying when UPA government introduce. So BJP and Modi wh...Read MoreSamijsr

Pandey said with over 105 crore enrolments and six lakh added daily, nearly 98% of adults had been registered and 75% of those in the 5-18 year age segment were also part of the world's largest bio-metric ID programme. This significantly reduces the possibility of exclusion on a large scale and makes seeding schemes with Aadhaar easier

Paper - II - IPO Examination - Fully Downloaded Material

Paper - II - IPO Exam - Fully Downloaded Material 

Today we are publish exam material of Paper - II of IPO exam. The Paper II of IPO Exam consists of CCS conduct Rules, CCS CCA Rules, Postal Manual Volume - III, FR and SR. These topics are given here with detailed. You can download the material with below link.

Drawal of Pay & Allowances in r/o GDS substitutes and their weekly off and payment of wages on National & Sundays _ AP Circl

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