Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Deepa Malik Has Made The Country Proud. Do You Know Why?

Deepa Malik, 45 year old, from Gurgaon has done something which no Indian woman has done till now.

Her throw of the shot put for a distance of 4.6m has won her and the country a SILVER Medal in the paralympics, currently taking place in RIO.

Take a moment to appreciate her effort and congratulate her.

Know Your Post Office Saving Schemes (RD)

Recurring Deposit Account


  1. Account can be opened by cash/cheque and in case of cheque the date of deposit shall be date of presentation of cheque.
  2. Nomination facility is available at the time of opening and also after opening of account.
  3. Account can be transferred from one post office to another.
  4. Any number of accounts can be opened in any post office.
  5. Account can be opened in the name of minor and a minor of 10 years and above age can open and operate the account.
  6. Joint account can be opened by two adults.
  7. Subsequent deposit can be made up to 15th day of next month if account is opened up to 15th of a calendar month and up to last working day of next month if account is opened between 16th day and last working day of a calendar month.
*If in any RD account, there is monthly default(s) the depositor has to first pay the defaulted monthly deposit with default fee and then pay the current month deposit. This will be applicable for both CBS and non CBS Post offices.
  • There is rebate on advance deposit of at least 6 installments.
  • Single account can be converted into Joint and Vice Versa.
  • Minor after attaining majority has to apply for conversion of the account in his name.
  • One withdrawal upto 50% of the balance allowed after one year.
  • Full maturity value allowed on R.D. Accounts restricted to that of INR. 50/- denomination in case of death of depositor subject to fulfilment of certain conditions.
  • In case of deposits made in RD accounts by Cheque, date of credit of Cheque into Government accounts shall be treated as date of deposit.

Rate of Interest:

From 1.4.2016, interest rates are as follows:-
  • 7.4% per annum (quarterly compounded)
  • On maturity INR 10/- account fetches INR 726.97. Can be continued for another 5 years on year to year basis.
Type of AccountMinimum DepositMaximum Deposit
Individual AccountINR 10/- per month or any amount in multiples of INR 5/-No limit.

If subsequent deposit is not made up to the prescribed day, a default fee is charged for each default, default fee @ 5 paisa for every 5 rupee shall be charged. After 4 regular defaults, the account becomes discontinued and can be revived in two months but if the same is not revived within this period, no further deposit can be made.

Top Headlines – 12.09.2016

1. The world’s first daily driverless bus service has started in Lyon, France. The driverless buses can hold up to 15 passengers and are electric buses.
दुनिया की पहली बिना ड्राइवर वाली दैनिक बस सेवा की शुरुआत ल्यों, फ्रांस में हुई । बिना ड्राइवर की और 15 यात्रियों की क्षमता वाली ये बसें विद्युत् चालित हैं।

2. The Union Government has launched Urja Mitra Helpline through which customers can get information on power outages from distribution companies by dialing 14401. The helpline was launched by the Department of Telecom (DoT).
केंद्र सरकार ने ‘ऊर्जा मित्र’ नाम की हेल्पलाइन की शुरुआत की है जिसके माध्यम से ग्राहक 14401 डायल करके विद्युत् वितरण कंपनियों से बिजली की कटौती के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं । ये हेल्पलाइन दूरसंचार विभाग (डीओटी) द्वारा शुरू की गई है।

3. Haryana has won ‘Best Horticulture State’ award of the Indian Council of Food and Agriculture (ICFA). The award was given to state for its concerted efforts made to increase the income of the farmers in horticulture.
हरियाणा ने खाद्य एवं कृषि की भारतीय परिषद (ICFA) में ‘सर्वश्रेष्ठ बागवानी राज्य’ का पुरस्कार जीता है। यह पुरस्कार राज्य को अपने बागवानी के क्षेत्र में किसानों की आय को बढ़ाने के लिए किए गए प्रयासों के लिए दिया गया है।

4. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has launched OSIRIS-REx spacecraft to collect samples from an asteroid 101955 Bennu and return to Earth.
नेशनल एयरोनॉटिक्स एंड स्पेस एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन (नासा) ने एक ओसीरसि-रेक्स अंतरिक्ष यान का प्रक्षेपण किया जो क्षुद्रग्रह 101,955 बेन्नु से नमूने एकत्र करके पृथ्वी पर लायेगा।

5. Indian Test captain Virat Kohli remained the top-ranked T20I batsman, according to ICC’s latest T20I rankings.
भारतीय टेस्ट कप्तान विराट कोहली आईसीसी टी 20 रैंकिंग की नवीनतम रैंकिंग के अनुसार, टी 20 में शीर्ष बल्लेबाज बने रहे।

6. Google India has released the trailer of its first fully crowdsourced feature film, ‘India in a Day’. The film has been directed by Toronto-based Richie Mehta with Ridley Scott and Anurag Kashyap as its executive producers.
गूगल इंडिया ने अपनी पहली पूरी तरह से जनतास्रोत फीचर फिल्म, ‘इंडिया इन अ डे’ का ट्रेलर जारी किया है। फिल्म का निर्देशन टोरंटो आधारित रिची मेहता और कार्यकारी निर्माता के रूप में रिडले स्कॉट और अनुराग कश्यप द्वारा किया गया है |

7. Yoga guru and founder of ‘Patanjali’ Baba Ramdev has said that he will launch ‘Paridhaan’, an apparel brand that’ll include jeans and office wear. 
योग गुरु और ‘पतंजलि’ के संस्थापक बाबा रामदेव ने कहा है कि वे ‘परिधान’ का शुभारंभ करेंगे जो की एक कपडे का ब्रांड है और जिसमें जीन्स और कार्यालय के परिधान शामिल होंगे |

8. Private operator Vodafone and state-owned BSNL signed an all-India 2G intra-circle roaming pact to share each other’s network.
निजी ऑपरेटर वोडाफोन और राज्य के स्वामित्व वाली बीएसएनएल ने एक दूसरे के नेटवर्क साझा करने के लिए अखिल भारतीय 2 जी इंट्रा-सर्किल रोमिंग समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए ।

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