Saturday, December 10, 2016

Salary cheque in hand, but cash eludes PO staffers

KOLKATA: What could have been a boon for post office employees has turned into a bane post demonetisation. They have got their salaries in cheque for the first time but have been denied cash withdrawal after they deposited the cheques in their accounts. 

Post office employees say they have deposited these cheques in their respective postal savings accounts or in the banks but have not been able to withdraw the cash because of lack of funds. They used to receive salaries in cash but from this time around, it has become mandatory to receive them either in cheque or by bank transfer. 

Whatever cash supply we are getting is going into pension payments and payments for other postal schemes. The funds are drying up so fast that we are being able to pay to our customers in instalments. We have been advised by our respective head postoffices to hold on for some time before we are able to withdraw salaries," said Sukanto Sarkar, postmaster at the Calcutta University post office.

All post office employees were given an advance pay of Rs 10,000 to tide over the month-end crisis. But most complained that this was way below their requirement and they have been running on credit with their grocers, green grocers, milkmen etc. "But certain things like children's tuition fees cannot be delayed beyond a point, isn't it?" asked an employee of the Lansdowne post office.

"None of us has been able to withdraw the cheques that we have deposited. We got SBI Southern Avenue branch cheques where all of us and even the post office has its account. It is from this branch that our replenishment comes every morning. Only a very rationed amount is coming and we are using it only for customers as of now. We don't know when the situ ation will be come nor mal," rued Partha Ba nerjee, the postmaster here.

The notes crunch has hit post-offices so hard that they have started giving out payments to customers in cheque as well. "We had no choice. Our cash van has been visiting us very irregularly and while initially we had told pensioners and other customers that we will give them payments in instalments of Rs 4000 a day , later when even that supply dried up, we are paying by cheque," said an official at Regent Park post-office.

Customers said that they were extremely inconvenienced by this. "We are being forced to take cheques, but we will now have to visit a bank to deposit it. Thereafter, we will be told by banks that there is no cash in their kitty . It's a vicious circle," rued Sulochona Sengupta who has received her pension by cheque. 

Source :

Incentivizing Digital Payments - Weekly, Quarterly lucky draw for grand prizes

Incentivizing Digital Payments 

Government of India has initiated numerous steps to combat the scourge of Corruption and Black Money in the last two and a half years. Demonetization of 500 and 1000 Rs. notes is an important milestone in this endeavour. These large denomination currencies have resulted in a number of ill effects upon the economy. To increase overall transparency in the economy, it is important that we set into motion long term schemes to encourage digital payments so that tax evasion can be minimized.

It is possible to leverage technology to carry out business transactions digitally through online payments, mobile banking, e-wallets, debit cards etc. There are a large number of instruments to move from digital to digi-dhan. In Africa a developing country like Kenya has made this possible. In a country like India where 65% of the population is below 35 years of age, whose IT prowess is well recognized and where even poor and illiterate people exercise their franchise through EVMs, this transformation toward digital economy is definitely possible provided the citizens resolve to do so. This would enable the economy to grow at a faster pace.

In order to realize this vision, we need to encourage electronic payments and nudge the society to move from digital to digi-dhan. There has been a remarkable increase in both volume and amount of digital payment transactions since November 8th. However, it is necessary to ensure that electronic payments are adopted by all sections of the society. In view of the above, NITI Aayog has requested National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) to conceptualize and launch a new scheme to incentivize digital payments. It would be useful to reiterate that NPCI is a not for profit company which is charged with a responsibility of guiding India towards being a cashless society.

The highlights of the proposed incentives scheme are as follows-

  • All consumers and merchants using digital payments shall be eligible
There are two levels of incentive amounts available under the scheme:
  1. Weekly lucky draw of the transaction IDs generated in that week, the contours of which are being finalized.
  2. Quarterly draw for grand prizes.
While designing the scheme the focus will be on poor, lower middle class and small businesses.
All modes of digital payments- viz. USSD, AEPS, UPI and RuPay Cards- will be eligible.
For merchants, transactions made on the POS machines installed at their locations would be considered.

The detailed guideline of the scheme shall be unveiled soon. However, it would be ensured that all those who have used digital payment systems after November 8th shall be eligible to participate in the scheme.

The scheme would also provide for recognition of State Governments, their Undertakings, Districts and Urban & Rural Local Bodies who innovate for promoting electronic payment in their respective jurisdictions.

Postal Officer intercepted Cash Vans, Exchanged 2.9crores

F. No. 21/2/2014-CS.I (U)
Government cf India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
CS-l (PR/CMS) Section

2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi,
Dated December 08, 2016

Sub: Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by public servants under amended Section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act. 2013 – regarding.

The undersigned is directed to forward herewith this Department’s OM dated 01.122016 regarding the furnishing of information relating to the assets and liabilities by public servants under Section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act. 2013 (the Act).

2.Contents of the said OM may please be brought to the notice of all concerned.

Encl: As above.

(Raju Saraswat)
Under Secretary to the Government Of India
Read full DoPT OM [Click here]

Implementation of recommendations of ARC

The reforms in the functioning of Government is a continuous ongoing process. Schemes like Pradhan Mantri Jan DhanYojana, e-Governance based services, Digital India, Direct Benefit Transfer for LPG, (DBT), Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, SwachhVidyalaya, Soil Health Card, Pradhan Mantri Fasal BimaYojna, Atal Pension Yojna etc. are some of the recent initiatives in this direction.

The Second Administrative Reforms Commission (2nd ARC) presented the following 15 Reports to the Government for consideration: 

(i) Right to Information: Master Key to Good Governance.
(ii) Unlocking human capital: Entitlements and Governance – a Case Study.
(iii) Crisis Management: From Despair to Hope.
(iv) Ethics in Governance.
(v) Public Order: Justice for each.
(vi) Local Governance.
(vii) Capacity Building for Conflict Resolution – Friction to Fusion.
(viii) Combating Terrorism.
(ix) Social Capital – A Shared Destiny.
(x) Refurbishing of Personnel Administration – Scaling New Heights.
(xi) Promoting e-Governance – The Smart Way Forward.
(xii) Citizen Centric Administration – The Heart of Governance.
(xiii) Organizational structure of Government of India.
(xiv) Strengthening Financial Management System.
(xv) State and District Administration.

Barring the 8th Report on the subject of ‘Combatting Terrorism’ all other 14 reports were considered by the Government. In these 14 reports there were 1514 recommendations, out of which 1183 were accepted, 228 not accepted and 59 deferred and 21 referred to other foras. Decisions on the accepted recommendations had been conveyed to all concerned Central Ministries/Departments and States/Union territories’ Government for implementation. Reforms in the public administration by nature are a continuous process and cover a wide range of activities. It may be through simplification of procedures, issue of executive instruction, enactment of laws etc.

This was stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Dr. Jitendra Singh in a written reply to a question by Shri Harivansh in the Rajya Sabha today.


Promotion and Postings in Postal Service Group 'B' cadre

                                                CLICK HERE.

No Service Tax charged while making payments through credit card and debit card

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
08-December-2016 19:55 IST

Government waives service tax charged while making payments through credit card, debit card, charge card or any other payment card; waiver limited to payments up to Rs. 2,000 in a single transaction 

When a customer uses a credit card, debit card, charge card or any other payment card for payment of his purchase of goods or services, the merchant/service establishment is charged certain merchant discount rate (MDR) by credit card or debit card issuing banks. With a view to promote digital transactions and encourage merchant establishments to accept such card payments, Government has waived service tax on such amount charged while making payments though credit card, debit card, charge card or any other payment card. However, this waiver is limited to payments upto two thousand rupees only (Rs.2000) in a single transaction.

Waiver of amount of fake currency notes deposited in Post offices under demonetization scheme - NFPE writes to Department

The modernization, computerization & digitization of paper based records is a continuous ongoing process in the Government of India. The Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DAR&PG), Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions does not maintain any centralized data/information relating to it. However, as part of an overall process of administrative reforms, the DAR&PG has been implementing a scheme for ‘Modernization of Central Government Offices’ based in Delhi since year 1987-88. Under the scheme funds are released by DAR&PG for financing 75% costs of the modernization projects, which involves civil & electrical works and acquisition of furniture, computers & electronic office equipment. Till date DAR&PG has extended financial assistance of Rs.72.40 crore for 453 modernization proposals.

The DAR&PG has the mandate to implement e-Office in all Central Ministries/Departments. As on 15.11.2016, 9 Central Ministries/Departments are on 100% e- Office platform, 14 additional Ministries/Departments are going to be 100% e-Office by 31.12.2016 and further 32 Ministries/Departments by 31st March, 2017. This also is a continuous ongoing exercise.

This was stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office, Dr. Jitendra Singh in written reply to a question by Shri M. Chandrakasi in the Lok Sabha today.

Change of Holiday on account of Id - E - Milad or Milad-Un-Nabi in West Bengal State to be observed on 12/12/16(Monday) instead of 13/12/16(Tuesday) .

Change of Holiday on account of Id - E - Milad or Milad-Un-Nabi in West Bengal State to be observed on 12-12-16 (Monday) instead of 13-12-16 (Tuesday) .

Overview Of CSI - New Terminologies

We have seen some pics of our new CSI Point Of Sale. It is a fact that CSI will be soon rolled out in all post offices. So let us slowly learn about it, so that we do not face any trouble when the new software is suddenly installed.

As per the roll out plan every one will be trained in CSI by the TCS trainers. But as we already have bitter experiences with Finacle, lets try to learn about the new software by ourselves. If they train us, its fine, even if miss the training we should not face any trouble.

In CSI mainly there are two software modules which we use.
1. Point Of Sale - Commonly called as POS.
2. Postal Back Office - Commonly called as POS back office.
Point of sale is the one stop software for doing transactions related to article booking, money order bookings, epayments, bill payments, stamp and stationary sales, even we launch finacle, McCamish from Point Of sale itself.

We need not different applications for doing different things. Everything will be done in Point of Sale itself.

There will be only one software for all and that is point of sale. It is extremely easy to use.

Postal back office software is used by the supervisor to do counter allocations, approvals of counter transactions done in point of sale, dispatch of articles day begin, day end etc.

So these are the two main software used in the counters.

Let's learn little every day. Enough for today.

List of Holidays for the year 2017 - AP Circle

Click here to view the list of Closed Holidays and Restricted Holidays applicable to operative and administrative offices of AP circle for the year 2017.

UPSC Exam Calendar for the year 2017

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has published Exam Calendar for the year 2017

First Look Of CSI Point Of Sale after Bugs Cleared

CSI is the new vehicle which India Post is going to ride from the coming days. After the test drive in Mysuru, the new software has got so many bugs cleared. We had a chance to look into how the software works and trust me the software is very very easy to use.

I can assure you that our day to day work will be reduced to a great extent, and the most important thing is there is no scope for frauds. We can work with complete peace of mind.

Today we want to show you how the screens of the new software look. We will prepare complete step by step guides for all transactions in CSI Point of Sale software too.

Here's how the home screen looks like.

Update the COD article Status in Parcel Net Website

Most of the articles are showing in Parcel Net website as Pending and those are actually delivered or returned to Sender and are to be updated automatically on Parcel Net website as the proper remarks has been updated. Those articles displayed as Pending in Parcel Net portal even articles remarks clearly updated in local databases due to some technical issues such as it was received long back/remarks wrongly updated and etc.,

Non updation of those COD article status in Parcel Net has been resolved by raising ticket to CEPT Mysore with submission of certificate of divisional head.

The following sample format is attached for reference and resolve the pending CODs through  CEPT by submission of divisional head certificate.
Note: Once Submission of above issue is done in HDMS, please follow-up ticket. Script will be given by CEPT for update the status of the COD articles.

Benefits of Debit Card Activation – FAQs

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
Ministry of Finance

05-December-2016 16:29 IST

Benefits of Debit Card Activation – FAQs 
Here are given some of the major benefits of Debit Card activation in the form of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and their Answer format:

QUESTION 1: Why it is important to have active debit cards?

ANSWER:   Debit Card makes your payments much more convenient and secure through an   electronic payment facility directly from your bank account. Debit card can be used for purchases online or at shops by directly debiting your Bank account. Debit cards can also be used to withdraw cash from an ATM. 

QUESTION 2:  How is a customer benefited by debit cards?

ANSWER:  Major benefits to customers are

Ø      It is more convenient to carry a small, plastic card instead of a bulky Cheque book or a large amount of cash.
Ø      Easy to obtain:  Once you open an account most institutions will issue you a debit card upon request.
Ø      Convenience: Purchases can be made using a chip-enabled terminal or by swiping the card rather than filling out a paper cheque.
Ø       Safety: You don't have to carry cash or a Cheque book. Debit cards are protected by a four digit pin number that you set yourself. This pin is needed to make any purchase with your debit card.
Ø      Readily accepted: When out of town (or out of the country), debit cards are usually widely accepted (make sure to tell your financial institution you’re leaving your city; to not have an interruption in service).
Ø      It’s a Cash Card Too: Debit cards still have the ability to give you cash, you can take them to an ATM and use them there to withdraw the cash.

Insurance: National Payment Corporation of India has introduced Insurance cover in case of accidental death or permanent disablement of Rs 1 Lac for Non-Premium cards (RuPay Classic) and Rs 2 Lac for Premium cards (RuPay Platinum) to eligible RuPay card holders. The RuPay Insurance programme will continue for financial year 2016-17, i.e. from April 01, 2016 to March 31, 2017.

QUESTION 3: Can I use my debit card if I have not used it for long?
ANSWER:     Yes.  It may however require activation.  Please check the forwarding   letter that came with your debit card.  Please check your Bank website.

QUESTION 4: How do I generate a PIN   ?

ANSWER:  Banks provide PIN by mail, which is either dispatched by bank to the cardholder address. Some banks also offer Green Pin facility online.  Banks also facilitate change of PIN to suit your requirements.

QUESTION 5:  What are the recent steps taken for promoting debit card payments?

ANSWER: Some of the recent initiatives towards popularizing Debit card usage are:
Ø      MDR (Merchant Discount Rate) which a merchant (Shopkeeper) pays the Bank for POS transaction are reduced to zero on debit cards till 31th, December 2016.
Ø      Excise duty payable on acquisition of POS machine which was earlier 16.5%  has  been waived  till 31st March 2017.

QUESTION 6:  What should you do if a shop asks you for an additional amount for use of your debit card?

Answer: As per the norms prescribed by card networks, shops should not ask for any additional amount called surcharge or convenience fee.  You can refuse to pay an additional amount for use of your card and register complaint to your bank on its website or otherwise.

QUESTION 7: Can one refuse to pay additional amount as banks have waived their charges on one of debit cards till 31stDecember 2016.

Answer: Although all banks have waived MDR up to Dec 31, 2016, customers are not required to pay additional amount even after that if demanded by the shopkeeper, as this is to be paid by the shopkeeper.

QUESTION 8:  Why should Merchant encourage card use?

ANSWER: Merchant are benefitted to encourage debit card transaction as:
Ø      Cost of Digital transaction is lower than handling Cash.
Ø      Deposition of cash in bank is not required as the amount will be automatically credited to account.
Ø      Credit History is created for the merchant which will help him in taking more support from banks and other financial initiatives of government time to time.
Ø      Manual reconciliation is not required at merchant side. He can always refer to his account.
Ø      Accepting payment cards can enable merchants to increase their revenues
Ø      Increased sales: Cards enable consumers to make quicker and easier payments.
Ø      Better customer service: Electronic payments offer customers more flexible payment options - faster checkout times for customers and a more efficient way of paying. Also, innovations such as Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI) payments, allow consumers the ability to purchase and take possession.


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