Sunday, December 04, 2016


Last month we published a post "Report of Deposit in MIS/TD/SCSS" more than Income Tax Ceiling Amount. We can easily generate the report for these product. But in case of NSC/KVP we have denomination issue. Each certificate has own account no. and the maximum denomination of KVP/NSC is Rs50000/-. Now the process of generating report is just different from prior. Follow the below step to generate the report in case of NSC/KVP.
Menu Shortcut - HACDET
  • The following screen will be displayed.
Set ID -
From Open Date - 01-04-2014
To Open Date - 31-03-2015
From Scheme Code - KVN3
To Scheme Code - KVN6
Amt From - 10000
To Amt - 999999999
Order By
CIF ID - Check Box

  • The following screen will be displayed.
  • Now go to HPR Menu
  • The following report will be available
  • Now you see the report contains all account of particular CIF. We should total the balance amount. If it exceeds the ceiling limit, include it in IT Report.
  • This is for KVP. 
  • The same work will be done for generation the report for NSC.
  • Now we have to select from scheme code NSC85 and to scheme code for NSC85 
  • The rest process is same and click the submit button.
  • Now you can see the report is ready in HPR.

Expected DA from Jan 2017 – 3% or 2% ?

As per AICPIN release for October month we have computed expected DA from January 2017, this is only on assumption basis. AICPIN value may vary for November & December 2016.

Illustration 1:

In case AICPIN value more than 277 for Nov & Dec 2016, then Dearness Allowance from January 2017 will be 3%

Illustration 2:

In case AICPIN less than 277 for Nov & Dec 2016, then Dearness Allowance from January 2017 will be 2% Due to Demonetisation, AICPIN Value may be volatile for coming months. However we have to wait & See

Employment News 03 December 2016 to 09 December 2016


Name Of Post : Professor, Associate Professor, Principal, Assistant Professor
No.of Vacancies : 66
Last Date :17.12.2016


Name Of Post : Review officer
No.of Vacancies : 343
Last Date :15.12.2016


Name Of Post : Assistant Sub-Inspector (Stenographer), Head Constable (Ministerial)
No.of Vacancies : 157
Last Date :30 days after publication


Name Of Post : Hindi Officer, Assistant Manager, Analyst, etc
No.of Vacancies : 12
Last Date :21 days after publication


Name Of Post : Station Controller, Customer Relations, Junior Engineer, Account Assistant, Office Assistant, Stenographer, Maintainer
No.of Vacancies : 745
Last Date :15.12.2016


Name Of Post : Deputy Manager, Assistant Manager, Officer, Junior Officer, Translator
No.of Vacancies : 11
Last Date :12.12.2016

Confederation News : Strike is inevitable

Confederation News - Strike is inevitable

Increasing number of women are now reporting cases of sexual harassment at workplace

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
Ministry of Women and Child Development

02-December-2016 14:53 IST 

Increasing number of women are now reporting cases of sexual harassment at workplace: Smt Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

Government of India has enacted the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2013 with the objective to provide safe and secure workplace environment to women. As per the National Crime Records Bureau data, 57 and 119 cases of sexual harassment at workplace were reported under section 509 IPC in the year 2014 and 2015 respectively. This increase in number shows that more and more women are coming forward to seek police assistance in such cases and are not suffering in silence. For reasons behind sexual harassment of women at workplace socio-culture mindset which is an outcome of deeply rooted patriarchal social constructs is the major reason. 

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 mandates constitution of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) in all workplace whether public or private. A woman has the right to submit her complaint directly to the Internal Complaints Committee so constituted. In case internal complaint committee is not constituted in any organisation than the complaint could be made to Local Complaints Committee constituted at district level. 

This information was given by the Minister of Women and Child Development, Smt Maneka Sanjay Gandhi in reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.



Aadhaar-based Authentication for Card Present Transactions

Central Government Employees retiring from January 2017 to submit online application

Encouraging usage of Debit cards among Government Employees - MoF


Protest programme on 5th ^ 6th December 2016 for GDS Committee Report publication

Restoration of normal business hours in POs - P3 CHQ writes to Department

Departmental Council (JCM) Meeting

RBI cautions against Information received on Unsecured/Unofficial Channels

7th Pay Commission: Salary hike to Central government employees not reflecting in GDP data

Is there something amiss?

Government fails to use postal network


To summarise, we dispose of the O.As. with the following directions to the respondents:

Download below Link

Lok Sabha Question - Expansion of Postal Net Work

Lok Sabha Question - Expansion of Postal Net Work 

Indian Postal Service officer under scanner for fraudulent transactions

HYDERABAD: Indian Postal Service (IPoS) officer K Sudheer Babu reportedly made fraudulent cash exchange transactions at different post offices in Greater Hyderabad, according to investigators, in fresh revelations following raids at post offices.

On interrogating Babu, the senior superintendent of post offices, Hyderabad, CBI sleuths found that in addition to exchanging 36 lakh demonetised currency in a fraudulent manner at Himayatnagar sub-post office, in cahoots with his office assistant G Ravi Teja and Himayatnagar sub-postmaster G Revathi, the IPoS officer had also exchanged lakhs of rupees of demonetised currency at other post offices in his jurisdiction.

CBI sleuths discovered that at the Himayatnagar sub-post office only 987 cash exchange request slips were found, which accounted for cash exchange of only 36,28,000, whereas the total amount of cash exchanged at the post office was 74,73,500.

On questioning, Revathi told CBI sleuths that on November 12 she had issued 36,00,000 in new currency to Ravi Teja in exchange for demonetised currency on the oral instructions of Babu.

The CBI sleuths have been grilling Sudheer and Teja to identify post offices where fraudulent transactions took place and other officials who may have assisted the IPoS officer in executing the fraud. They were also questioning Sudheer to find out whose demonetised currency he had exchanged and for what commission.

The sleuths have registered a case against Sudheer, Ravi Teja, Revathi and unknown private persons under sections, 120-B r/w 406, 409, 477-A of the Indian Penal code C and 13 (2) r/w 13 (1) (d) of the PC Act. With the help of postal vigilance officials, the CBI is gathering more evidence and arrests are likely in a day or two.

Submission of Pre-budget Views of Central Government employees for consideration and inclusion in the Central Budget for the year 2017-18

Confederation has published the draft of Pre-budget views of Central Government employees for consideration and inclusion in the Central Budget for the year 2017-18 and inviting suggestions thereon:- 
Draft of the Memorandum to be submitted to Hon'ble Finance Minister
1) All National Secretariat Members
2) All affiliated organisations
3) All COCs

Dear Comrades,
It is proposed to submit a Memorandum to Hon’ble Finance Minister conveying our views and demands for inclusion in General Budget 2016-17. Draft Copy of the Memorandum is given below.

Please suggest additions/Modifications, if any, required, within two days.

M. Krishnan
Secretary General
Mob: 09447068125


DATED - ....-12-2016

Shri. Arun Jaitley,
Hon’ble Finance Minister,
Government of India,
North Block, New Delhi -110001
Sub: - Submission of Pre-budget Views of Central Government employees for consideration and inclusion in the Central Budget for the year 2017-18 – Request – Regarding.
Respected Sir,

Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers is the umbrella organization comprising of various Unions/Associations/Federations of the Central Government employees. Central Government employees are the important segment of the society and contributing for the growth of this country through effective implementation of the policies of the Government of India. Hence, the views of this segment of important stakeholders, I submit, may also be heard and considered. With this request, this organization is bringing the following views for consideration by your good self, as a part of the pre-budget exercise to finalize the budget for the year 2017-18.

Issues of the Central Government employees:

1. New Pension Scheme: Lakhs of employees who joined the Central Government Departments on or after 01-04-2004 are vulnerable to the market fluctuations due to the NPS. It has been pleaded several times to scrap this NPS or grant guarantee of minimum pension at the rate of 50% of last pay drawn. It is requested to concede this request in this budget by making required amendments.

2. Income Tax: It is submitted that Government employees are the most tax compliant segment of the society. At the same time they are the hard hit with heavy tax burden. For many years it is requested to raise the tax exemption limit. It is requested to consider increasing the tax exemption limit for employees to Rs. 5,00,000/-. It is also requested not to include the compensatory allowances in the taxable income.

3. Interest concession on loans and advances: Nationalized Banks are extending housing loans, personal loans for their employees at a lesser rate than the market rate. This facility may also be extended to the Central Government employees.

4. Education loans to the Children of the Central Government employees: In the present set up no bank is giving education loans for pursuing higher studies without keeping immovable property as collateral security. One has to cross many hassles for obtaining education loan for his ward. It is requested that education loan for the ward of a Central Government employee should be hassle free and without any guarantee or collateral security except the employee himself/herself. The total loan should cover the entire fee and living expenses without any restrictions.

5. Minimum Wage & Fitment formula: The minimum wage of Rs.18000/- recommended by 7th CPC is needed to be revised to Rs.26000/- to confirm to the realistic and accepted norms of the wage determination. Accordingly the fitment factor should also be proportionately changed.

6. Curtailment of litigation: Presently due to the policy of DOP&T the Central Government employees are forced to engage in avoidable litigation in the Courts of Law, even on those similar Service matters, which were decided by the Highest Court of the Land. This is resulting in lot of expenditure of Government employees. The judgments of the Courts should be applied to all the similarly placed employees without forcing them to file cases on the very matter.

7. Compassionate appointments: The eligible wards of the employees who died in harness should be given employment by removing the present artificial ceiling of 5% on such employment.

8. Housing needs of the employees working in N.E and Assam Circles: The employees working in these States are facing hardship due to lack of housing facilities. Hence, it is requested to construct more General Pool Resident staff quarters for all the Central Government employees working in N.E. and Assam regions.

9. It is also requested that cash less and Hassle free Medical facilities to serving and retired employees for in-patient and out-patient may also be favourably considered.

General Issues:

Central Trade Unions in their Memorandum dated 19-11-2016 has brought several issues like price raise, strengthening the Public Distribution System, safeguarding the Public Sector, Foreign Direct Investment, employment generation, Same Pay for Same Work, Social Security for unorganized workers, Labour Law Reforms, regularization of Contract and Casual Labour, which has a bearing on the lives of the common masses, employees and workers. This Federation completely endorses their viewpoint on these important issues and requests you to kindly initiate necessary corrective steps in this Budget.

It is earnestly requested to seriously consider the above suggestions for inclusion in the Budget for the year 2017-18, which will go a long way in fulfilling the long pending aspirations of the Central Government employees.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General

Supreme Court Dismissed PM Grade Candidates request to write PSS Group B Exam

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