Friday, April 21, 2017

Cadre Restructuring of Group-C Postal Employees – Appeal not to be misguided by any misleading information.

Dear Comrades,
We are receiving continuous telephone calls from all corners regarding up-to-date status of our representation submitted directly to Secretary (Posts) in person during his visit to Odisha (Bhubaneswar) on 03.03.2017 and the same  by Postal JCA (NFPE & FNPO), CHQ on 17.03.2017.

As aware, since the notification for implementation of Cadre Restructuring Proposal we have been continuously analyzing and recording the lapses of the proposal knocking the doors of each forum / authority for rectification / modification.

Since Odisha Circle is the first Circle in India to implement this proposal, we got the opportunity to record the lapses/deficiencies first before anybody analyzed.

Implementation Order was issued vide D G (Posts) letter No. 25-04/2012-PE-I, dated 27.05.2016 and the 9th Divisional Biennial Conference of AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar Division was held from 28.05.2016 to 29.05.2016 and then we started writing.

In spite of all our limitations and compulsions, we have tried to take this particular issue as seriously as it can be taken.

We may brief our activities chronologically on this aspect as follows.
Sl. No.
Date of analysisBrief of the analysis made / letters writtenInformed to
1 11.06.2016Objection raised since the proposal was ordered to be implemented unilaterally without taking into consideration the suggestions of Staff Side and suggested to implement Cadre Restructuring in all wings of Postal Department, i.e. SA, Postmen, Mail Guard, Mailmen, MTS, MMS, PA, SBCO, PACO, Postal Accounts, Civil Wing and Postmaster cadre etc. with change of existing nomenclature at each stageGeneral Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, CHQ as Divisional Secretary, Bhubaneswar
223.07.2016For distribution of posts of different cadres amongst different Divisions by Circle administrationCircle Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha as Vice-President, Odisha
325.07.2016Discrepancy in distribution of posts amongst various cadres under Cadre Restructuring of Group-C postal employees in Odisha Circle issued vide C O, Bhubaneswar Memo No.   EST / 1 – 2 / Rlg. / 2016-Corr, dated 20.07.2016Circle Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha and General Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, CHQ as Vice-President, Odisha
427.07.2016One time absorption of all existing LSG and HSG-II officials in HSG-II and HSG-I cadre respectivelyThe General Secretary / President, AIPEU, Group-C, CHQ as Vice-President, Odisha
09.01.2017Elected as Circle Secretary, Odisha
520.01.2017Requested first to complete the process for  HSG-I and HSG-II cadre and then go for LSG cadre to avoid any dislocation in managing the huge number of vacant posts under both the  higher selection gradesThe Chief PMG, Odisha Circle as Circle Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha
627.01.2017Requested not to issue posting orders of LSG officials immediately after completion of the DPC and wait for the onetime absorption order for LSG and HSG-II officials from the DirectorateThe Chief PMG, Odisha Circle as Circle Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha
723.02.2017Asked for permission to the selected representatives of AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha Circle for discussion with the Chief PMG, Odisha  on implementation of Cadre Restructuring Proposal of Group-C Postal Employees in Odisha Circle The Chief PMG, Odisha Circle as Circle Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha
824.02.2017Lapses noticed in allotment of approved LSG officials amongst various divisions issued vide CO, Bhubaneswar Memo No.ST/26-6(1)/2017(Postal), dated 23.02.2017All Divisional Secretaries / Circle Union Office bearers seeking their suggestionson deficiencies for taking further course of action by the Circle Union
928.02.2017Asked for permission to meet and discuss on local issues including issues arising out of Cadre Restructuring proposal with the Secretary (Posts) during his visit to Odisha/BhubaneswarThe Chief PMG, Odisha Circle as Circle Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha
1001.03.2017Discussed with the Chief PMG, DPS(HQ) and AD(Staff) in person in the chamber of the Chief PMG, Odisha Circle on the lapses in the LSG DPC already communicated on 23.02.2017 
1102.03.2017Intimated the gist of discussion made with Chief PMG, Odisha Circle on Cadre Restructuring of Group-C postal employees in Odisha Circle.The General Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, CHQ as Circle Secretary, Odisha
1203.03.2017Discussed with the Secretary (Posts) in person in the presence of the Chief PMG, Odisha and DPS(HQ) on Cadre Restructuring Proposal of Group-C postal employees in Odisha Circle and other local issues and submitted a memorandum in this regard
1303.03.2017Intimated the gist of discussion made with the Secretary (Posts) during his visit to Bhubaneswar  on Cadre Restructuring of Group-C postal employees in Odisha Circle submitting the copy of the memorandum addressed to the Secretary (Posts)The General Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, CHQ as Circle Secretary, Odisha
04.03.2017Father of the Circle Secretary expired
1416.03.2017Request the Chief PMG once again to wait for a definite reply from the Directorate and not to issue posting orders of the approved LSG officials till receipt of a clearance from the Secretary (Posts) on the issues raised by us in our memorandumThe Chief PMG, Odisha Circle as Circle Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha
1517.03.2017Regarding issues raised by Sambalpur Region / DivisionThe Chief PMG, Odisha Circle as Circle Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha
1626.03.2017Conducted emergent Circle Working & Council Meeting for discussion on issues arising out of implementation on cadre restructuring proposal
1728.03.2017Met the Chief PMG, Odisha Accompanied with the Circle Secretary, NAPE, Group-C, Odisha
1829.03.2017Submission of Resolutions adopted unanimously in the Circle Council-Cum-Working Committee Meeting on 26.03.2017 of IPEU, Group-C, Odisha CircleThe Chief PMG, Odisha Circle as Circle Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha endorsing copy to CHQ/NFPE
1930.03.2017Meeting of all Circle Secretaries of NFPE Unions deciding to sit on one day dharana in front of the CPMG, Office on 19.04.2017 on various issues including issues arising out of Cadre Restructuring proposal
Apart from analyzing and writing as above, we are also in continuous touch with our CHQ and NFPE and have discussed with many of our senior leaders.  All most all the above activities have already been published in our website as and when required. But still then some of our members are in doubt on our activities which prompted us to consolidate as above for information of our members.

As we had updated earlier, our proposals for modification were under examination and as per the latest information received from the General Secretary,  the concerned file is presently on the desk of the Secretary (Posts). Now our General Secretary is in Port Blair for some organizational work. We may know something on the progress during next week perhaps.

But, in the meantime, we are receiving several misleading information and also witnessing the same in several websites. As if, NFPE / Postal JCA has done nothing so far and the problems now confronted by our staff members have arisen only because the Cadre Restructuring proposal was signed by Postal JCA without any others involvement. Some are also claiming that they are taking this issue from the day one which is completing false and misleading and meant to gain extra mileage only during this month of April when they are far behind to be recognized.

We are not worried about others. But we are concentrating on our own activities. As a responsible member / office bearer of NFPE, we are taking the issue more seriously than anybody else. But we neither publish any misleading information nor advertize in any other way to gain cheap popularity.  

      We can say proudly that on behalf of Odisha Circle, we have reacted first and recoded our views well in advance starting from distribution of posts till implementation. We have reacted severally both as the Divisional Secretary, Bhubaneswar and  Vice-President / Circle Secretary, Odisha.     We suggested first to the Secretary (Posts) on 03.03.2017 on the probable solutions to the lapses noticed in Cadre Restructuring under intimation to our CHQ/NFPE and published in our local websites.

            As Circle Secretary, we have done whatever found feasible. We are struggling hard and waiting for a positive result since we are pursuing the issue through our CHQ/NFPE.

            Thus, at this moment, we do sincerely appeal all our members not to be misguided by any misleading information, stay united and wait for the instruction from CHQ/NFPE. 
=  B SAMAL =
Circle Secretary

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