Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Exclusive Fillable POSB CBS Account Opening Form

DoP Service Desk Android App Document For Core System Integrator (CSI) for DOP


To download the app, Employee needs to register himself/herself first by entering the required details. Once details are accepted, downlink will be enabled to download the app. This link is accessible on internet.
Click below link to Download Android Application for Mobile

URL to download the app:https://msd.indiapost.gov.in/EmployeeRegistration/index.jsp
Note: URL to download the app will be available only on the Internet.

Click on Submit button for registration. After successful registration, a message stating the
successful registration is displayed. Click on OK button.


1. Minimum 3 times deposit free in your account, After more then 3 times deposit you will pay 50/- per deposit.

2. Minimum 5000/- balance maintain in metro city branch account holder.

3. Minimum 3000/- balance maintain in city/town branch account holder

4. Minimum 2000/- balance maintain in semi urban area branch account holder.

5. Minimum 1000/- balance maintain in villages branch account holder

6. If you not maintain minimum amount in your account you will pay up to 200/- + extra surcharge.(depending on how many days)

7. SBI ATM free for 5 times use, after 5 times you will pay 10/- per transactions.

8. Other bank ATM free for 3 times use, after 3 times you will pay 20/- per transactions.

9. Unlimited SBI ATM use without any charges, If you maintain 25000/- in your SBI savings account.

10. Unlimited SBI & OTHER BANK ATM use without any charges, If you maintain 100000/- in your SBI savings account

11. 15/- SMS charge you will pay after 3 months, (SMS charge free, If you maintain 25000/- in your SBI savings account)

Branch Office RICT CBS Operating Procedure dated 02.03.2017

Postal Directorate released the operating procedure for RICT CBS Transaction at Branch Post Offices. Following is the circular issued by the FS division of India Post

F. No. 113-01/2011-SB(Pt) 
Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT Department of Posts
(F.S. Division)

Dak Bhawan,New Delhi-110001
Dated: 02.03.2017
All Head of Circles

Subject: - Circulating of SOP of RICT Sir/Madam,

Please find enclosed herewith SOP of RICT for circulating to all CBS and non-CBS Post Offices for information and necessary guidance for staff and customers. This will be subject to review after a period of 3 months based on feedback received from field units. The same may be shared with us at "directorcbs-del@indiapost.gov.in & directorfs@indiapost.gov.in"

02. This issues with approval of competent authority.

(i) New Account Opening at BOs through RICT device [SB/RD/TD accounts]

BO (SB, RD & TD) New Account will be opened henceforth through RICT devices in rolled out BOs. Branch Postmaster willfollow the following steps: -

(A) Procedural Steps to be followed at BO-
1. BPM will examine New Account Opening Form (AOF) and ensure that all the mandatory fields are filled by depositor.

2. If depositor is already having an account in BO, BPM will write CIF number on the AOF from the list of migrated accounts provided by Account Office.

3. BPM will ensure that depositor has pasted photo on AOF.

4. BPM will scan signature(s) and photo from AOF with the help of device as mentioned in process of device.

5. (i) BPM will take Identity Proof, Address Proof of the depositor and ensure that name and address
filled in the AOF tallies with the ID and Address proof. Obtaining PAN or Form 60 in respect of an account (SB/RD/TD) ismandatory when amount to be deposited is exceed Rs. 50000/- while opening such accounts. BPM, will thereforeobtained copy of either PAN or Form 60.

(ii) As far as possible copy of Aadhar card should be obtained while opening of the accounts. If it carry photo & address ofthe depositor, Aadhar card only be enough as ID & Address proof of the depositor.

6. BPM will attest ID and Address Proof with his/her signature and place date stamp. BPM will also
sign on AOF and place date stamp.

7. BPM will take SB-103 duly filled by depositor and the amount for opening the account.

8. BPM will continue to follow the existing procedure of issue of Preliminary Receipt (SB-26), pasting of SS Slip in SS Bookand maintenance of BOSB, BORD and BOTD Journals.

9. On completion of the account opening process in RICT device, BPM will note Transaction ID generated by the device on AOF and SB-103. Transaction ID should also be noted on SB-26 and BOSB/BORD/BOTD Journal.

10. On completion of Account Opening process by device, BPM will generate three (3) copies of acknowledgment slip. Onecopy will be given to depositor, one copy should be attached with AOF and third copy will be kept for office record.

11. AOF along with acknowledgement slip, PR (SB-26) and Pay-In-Slip (SB-103) will be sent to Account Office by following the existing procedure.

12. Images will be saved by the BPM. On completion of the process a unique ID /transaction ID will be generated.

Download the full procedure from the following link

Alleged Practices of Splitting of one higher Denomination account into multiple lower denomination accounts in Post Offices

Simple Overview of CSI and RICT Rollout (OCIT Training)

For those who could not attend OCIT training at PTC, Mysore. Following is informative to all of you (BPM, Postman, Postal Assistant, Sup Postmaster, Postmaster, Inspector of Posts, Asst. Supdt. of Post Offices or SP(SSP)) No matter whether you work at a Branch Office or Sub Office or Head Office or Divisional Office or Regional Office. Because unlike other rollouts ( Such as Finacle, mccamish ), here DO, RO, RMS NSH DAP every levels will be rolled out. So read it if u have time and curiosity on upcoming changes in DOP.

Some classes in OCIT training were on RICT and CSI and IPPB which actually provided some more information and it was good. Class on Finacle MIS reports and SB orders were boring but needed in day to day works . Following points may be interesting for all.

CSI - Core System Integration

Directorate has given strict order to rollout CSI in all divisions by March 2018. This month 12 divisions are going live. Recently rolled out Pune east things are going fine.

After CSI rolledout our salary cycle will be from 26th of a month to 25th of next month. Our _salary will be drawn by DAP_ not by Head Office. Only thing you get in cash mode is advances. All other payments will be through either Bank or POSB accounts. Any time you can change your payment account in ESS portal.

Each and every employee including gds and pensioners will be identified by an employee id rather than name. It will be important to you not only upto retirement but upto death.

SSO - Single Sign On

Every employee will login even to the system itself by using employee id which is your user name. Now no different different user id and passwords.

Only module every counter PA will be login into POS. From this you can use Finacle, McCamish, IMO, etc., everything provided you are permitted to access these things.

Every employee will be mapped to a post id. If one PA goes on leave, substitute PA will be coming to the office will be having all the privileges that was available to the PA on leave in his own (substitute) login.

You won't be given salary statements any more because you can take it in ESS. Confused?
ESS is a website which is used by every employee to apply Leave, Advance, View service book, View leave balances, Approve requests if u are sanctioning authority of any type of request say CL approver (SPM).
In DO, ASP(HQ)/SP whoever is granting leave, he can see the request and also the recommendation from office head and the list of PAs who can be substituted there. Once he approve, message will go to ESS portal of PA applied for leave and his SPM substitute PA and his SPM. No more written orders and interventions. Simple and good ah?


You will be asked to certify your service book before migration. Please confirm you date of entry in particular and sometimes even your gender. Otherwise it is difficult to change these things without proper supporting documents after rollout. Otherwise somebody will retire sooner and some others won't retire at all

Divisions while rollout should provide correct mapping like who is leave approver... who is GPF approver etc. Otherwise our requests will go unserviced., don't blame the system Now... an office is having an establishment. You can't allot any extra hands there. Eg suppose A do takes a PA on deputation from nearby Sub Office as a supporting staff. But we can't allot any roles to him in do as there is no post to be mapped against him.

Now spm is responsible for everything but not involved in cash flow from treasury to counter or vice versa. But in CSI it can't be done. Both SPM and treasurer is involved in cash related transactions. establishment and workload off an office based on work done at Post Office is available for every 30 minute. Administration can divert staff based on BIS (business intelligence reports) so human resource can be correctly managed.
Now most sought question. Is it user friendly.
Yes. But something new. Post Offices(same as of now) back office ( treasury) DPMs (postman) IVPS (despatch) are modules used in normal post office of which everything except F and A module is almost same. you will learn soon. But F and A is a huge module which is used at post office in a minimal level but mostly used in DO/CO/RO/DAP etc. It is entirely new concept and bit difficult to understand to.

Divisional office

Starting from Recruitment, establishment, lSS, Supply and procurement, Budgeting and business intelligence reports. So PA, SPMs don't worry so much. It is actually the world famous SAP software which is mainly used in administrative offices. ESS manager and Labour scheduling system etc will be done at administrative offices. with this software's/ modules human resource can be correctly utilized.

Any office can get cash from any office

In CSI each and every unit is individual. So now BO, SO, HO, DO concept. Even BO of one office can get cash from BO of another division may be circle also. Provided staff adapts to this.

Since each office is individual all expenses and incomes are accounted in same office. So it is identified by a number called facility id. (Like sol id in finacle).


Handheld device for postman with card swipe option is almost ready. You have to enter ordinary mails number received and delivered everyday in system so establishment review is automatically done by system. No more manual establishment review.

RICT - Rural Information and Communication Technology

Device and software uses at Branch Office. Now only Money Order payment and SB Transactions are integrated. Very simple to use and we can uses in local language. Device administration and bio metric login for substitutes. .., full control by divisional authority including IP(SDI).

Since thermal printer used receipts will be lost after a max of 7 days. So MO paid voucher taken in machine will be scanned by bo itself and will be stored in ECMS (Enterprise Content Management System by IBM) for later references. After BO devices and postman devices, ad cards can be avoided with an amendment to Post Office act. Now we incur 8 rupees for an acknowledgement card for which is charged 3 only. This scannes sign can be downloaded by sender and may be made legal after rollout. Good ah? 25% complaints are of non receipt of ad

Rollout complexity

CSI rollout is done for entire division. So suppose one division has to rollout. Now it's divisional office has to be rolled out. Now its RO has to be under CSI. Now CO and DAP has to be under CSI. Over?

No. It's connected RMS is to be rolled out. RMS rollout. ? Then its NSH has to be rolled out.

Now you understand the rollout issues right. ?


Upto B class office will need minimum of 1MBPS bandwidth. All system should have windows 7 and 2GB RAM. One system will be used as local server which should have 4GB RAM. 

Why local server?

Now POS is an offline module. Because filly online it takes many time to generate receipt. So data will be synchronized every 20 minutes. So you can't use any module except counter if no Internet. (Understand importance of sify?)
Don't carried away by good words as happened in CBS. Don't agree to migrate without these things. It is provided in circles which are rolled out.
I think I have included max points. These are things conveyed to me. There may be mistakes in this. Anyway good change coming.
Many new features like capturing address details of frequent customers etc. Make use of it. Be a part of change. There won't be much support from TCS. They will address only crucial issues. There won't be much training also I think. But a division is rollled out everybody will be at same stage. Let's work together. Grow with DOP. 
- Rajesh C R

SOP on Supply, Installation & Updation of details of Solar UPS at BOs

Click below link to download SOP on

Official RICT SOP released by Directorate for all CBS and Non CBS offices

  • Recently RICT rolled out completed in some of the BO's(Branch Offices) in DOP.
  • RICT is nothing but doing all the transactions of Branch Office operations using hand held devices supplied by Directorate.
  • After roll out necessary training and instructions will be issued to all BPM's to do the operations in hand held devices, maintenance of the device such as charging of the device etc.
  • Once RICT roll out completed concerned BPM should enter all the transactions in the device and then send the reports to your respective SO.
  • Again feeding of BO transactions in SO not necessary hence this reduces duplication of your work and time,
  • SOP for doing the transactions in RICT machines, procedure to take the reports and accounting procedure in SO mentioned clearly in the below mentioned SOP officially supplied by Directorate.
  • In order to download the RICT SOP supplied by the Directorate for all CBS and Non CBS, all the DOP users can CLICK HERE

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